Turtling? Our family description of messing about with turtle conservation on our sunny island. Now we are not hardened environmentalists, we got involved just so we could see a turtle. So far after an excessive number of night time beach walks (on which I always loose a flip flop and break a toe nail), many sweaty mid-day nest excavations, morning walks to spot new nests and drilling holes in metal posts (Mr S's territory not mine) - we have seen the grand total of zero turtles. I think monster munch thinks turtles only exist on Finding Nemo, but he does enjoy jumping in the sea while the nest is dug out.
Unfortunately, today was another fruitless excavation so the quest to prove that turtles really do exist continues. However, I would like to share a quick bit of craftiness that monster munch and I made earlier in the year when he was learning about turtles in nursery. Egg box turtles...
Egg box turtles are just pieces of card in a turtle type shape with a cardboard egg box stuck on and googly eyes. They take minutes but are really cute and allowed us to chat more about what he had learnt about turtles. Normally keen to splodge paint around, on this occasion monster munch decided he had a better idea for the turtle bodies:
MoM: "I got idea mummy"
Mummy: "What babe?"
MoM: "Use green card not paint"
Mummy: "We don't have green card just lots of white card and green paint"
MoM: (after a few seconds with his thinking face on): "I got another idea mummy"
Mummy: "Oh what babe"
MoM: "You go to shop and buy green card"
Whilst not a work of comedy genius, he has clearly decided that mummies don't have the monopoly on good ideas!
Jen xx
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