Tuesday, 13 August 2013

A little bit of L.O.V.E

So this blog is supposed to be about the things I have made...I hope you like the first one!

Inspired by some posts on Pinterest I wanted to create a canvas with monster and mini munchkin's hand and foot prints on.  This is what I created:

I stenciled the letters L and E on a canvas that I had painted red.  To make the stencil I just printed the correct size letters in a font I liked on to card and used a Stanley knife to cut them out. Once I'd painted through the stencil I then tidied the edges up with a fine paintbrush.  I think if I did something similar again I would use some spray adhesive to stick the stencil down as the wobbly bits were due to the stencil moving as I painted.

Then came the tricky bit - the munchkins' input!  Monster-munch wasn't too bad as it was one hand print to form the O and he has done lots of hand and foot printing before - just don't use too much paint as if they wriggle their hands you loose the print of their fingers and palm. 

Mini-munch was not so easy, he was only about 3 months old and I was trying to paint feet, hold his body weight and position the foot all at the same time without him getting agitated.  Needless to say the first attempt looked like a giant seagull had poo'd on the canvas as he had slid his foot as I put it down.  A quick bit of cover up with the red paint and a lot less paint on his foot made the second attempt much more successful - I crossed the heels so it looked more like a V.

To finish off I wrote the dates of the hand and foot prints on the edge of the canvas.

I used acrylic paint and made sure it was cleaned off before the munchkins were left to their own devices and in hindsight I would have used smaller letters to give the foot and hand prints more space as it does all look a bit squashed up.  Overall I'm really proud of the final result - I just can't decide where to put it!

Jen xx

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