Friday, 16 August 2013

The dinosaur iceberg

Today has been a good day on our sunny island.  For once I had an early night and was awake before the munchkins and Mr S.  What did I do with my spare time?  I have to confess I tidied, I sorted clothes and attempted to make the house look less like a bomb site.

My feeling of domestic control was soon destroyed when I realised that the only things suitable for breakfast were chocolate croissants and yoghurt.  The munchkins were happy!  After a quick supermarket trip (Mr S had the munchkins otherwise it would have consumed the whole day) I unveiled the DINOSAUR ICEBERG - da da daaaaa!

Designed to keep monster munch occupied for a couple of hours I had frozen plastic dinosaurs into ice cube trays and then into a lunchbox of water (the ice cubes stop the dinosaurs all sinking to the bottom).  The idea was he would use his builders tools to hack the dinosaurs out.  It didn't quite go to plan!

The tools were completely ineffective, so he then resorted to throwing a lump of ice around the patio and then hit on the idea that the hose pipe would be useful.  The ice melted pretty quickly and then I did manage to hold his attention long enough to count the dinosaurs, but from iceberg to dinosaur release took about 20 mins!  He did get to combine three of his favourite things - water, tools and dinosaurs.

The experiment ended in the obligatory soaking of mummy, himself, Mr S and mini munch and a family pool session so I can't complain at all. The munchkins even ate all their lunch!

Jen xx

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