Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Ever alert for the call to action...

Our intrepid walking team are now over 25% through the mileage of the DDDaunder.  It was Tarfside to Glen Clover today and not only were they joined by the cousins, Mr S metamorphosed into Banana Man.  Whilst this made for a very sweaty Mr S, it also put many a motorist at risk as they did a double take when they saw Banana Man walking through the Scottish Glens.

Thankfully there were no situations where they were temporarily unsure of their position today (unless you count the time they thought they were on the wrong hill) but Banana Man was made to make up for Mr S's shortfall in miles yesterday.  Ten minutes in to the penalty he was spotted snuffling tea from a passing camper van.
The Scottish wildlife put in an appearance again today and our walkers were almost mown down by a passing heard of deer and nearly trod on a mountain hare.  Banana Man proves no match for the Scottish elements and was blown over whilst balancing on one leg.

The support team had an altogether less pleasant day, The Dad's friend was forced to drive more miles that can be considered sensible in a Polo to ferry walkers, broken cars and tents brought in error.  Frazzled can be the only description of his current demeanour.

I made my first journey in the camper van, we didn't die, we didn't crash and we got to where we needed to (only 1.5 hrs late).  Monster Munch struck again - painting a picture as a surprise for Daddy - the wall it was drawn on took close to an hour to get clean!

Thanks today go to the Glen Clover Hotel for their hospitality and to the very kind couple in the bar who made a donation to the fund.  If you would like to donate you can at:


Jen xx

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